Arrowhead on chain from Deve Hüyük
Arrowhead on chain from Deve Hüyük
Accession number:
Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology, University of Oxford
Arrowhead on chain from Deve Hüyük
Trilobe socketed bronze arrowhead, with the socket pierced to take a simple bronze chain.
0.120m (total length, including chain).
Moorey 1980, no. 198 (Ashmolean 1913.692).
The arrowhead is of the same type as the other light bronze arrowheads from Deve Hüyük (23 examples in total). As to the character of the artefact as a whole, my best guess is that this is a good-luck charm of some kind – an archer's "lucky arrowhead", which he wore around his neck or wrist?