Spearhead from Deve Hüyük
Spearhead from Deve Hüyük
Accession number:
AN 1913.708 (TN-D293)
Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology, University of Oxford
Spearhead from Deve Hüyük
Heavy iron spearhead with very long folded socket, tapering inwards towards the base of the blade. Traces of rivets for securing wooden shaft to socket. Short narrow blade with gently sloping shoulders; triangular midrib extending the entire length of the blade.
0.346m (total length); 0.185m (length of socket).
Moorey 1980, no. 171 (Ashmolean 1913.708 [TN-D293]).
This heavy spearhead (from a thrusting spear) closely resembles the spears of Persian guards depicted on the Persepolis reliefs and on glazed-brick panels from the Palace of Darius at Susa.