Drawing of a quern
Drawing in ink by Arthur Evans of a rotary quern, used for grinding corn into flour, with the lower (stationary) quern and upper (movable) handstone visible beneath a square funnel or chute.
Artist: Arthur John Evans
Date of drawing: August 1875
Continent: Europe
Geographical area: Southern Europe
Country: Croatia
Cultural group: European Croat
Format: Drawing
Size: 68 x 68 mm
Acquisition: Joan Evans. Donated August 1941
Primary documentation: ‘[p.588] Dr. JOAN EVANS, from the property of the late SIR ARTHUR EVANS, Youlbury, Boars Hill, Oxford. [List of items follows]’; ‘[p.590] 21 Original pencil sketches, types & scenery. BALKANS’: Pitt Rivers Museum accession records (Donations X, 1937–1941), pp.588, 590.
Research notes: It has been noted by Philip Grover that this drawing is on the same kind of paper and in the same ink as 1941.8.187, and hence can be identified as a sketch very likely made at the same time and in the same part of Croatia.