Attic Lekythos from Deve Hüyük


Attic Lekythos from Deve Hüyük

Accession Number: BM 108754

Collection: British Museum

Attic Lekythos

Lekythos with black painted decoration on white ground; double lattice panels above and below ivy decoration. Maeander design in linear borders at top of body. Parallel lines on the shoulder in a double row. The foot of the vessel is lost. 20.95cm high; 7.5 cm wide at shoulder. Moorey 1980 no. 60 pp. 23-24.


This vessel is attributed by Moorey to the Beldam workshop around the second or third quarter of the 5th century BC, also noting parallels in Persian contexts from a similar period (around the middle of the century) (P. R. S. Moorey (1980) Cemeteries of the first millennium B.C., at Deve Hüyük, 24).