‘Totem Poles’, an imaginary view of a Haida village by Louis Fairfax Muckley


‘Totem Poles’, an imaginary view of a Haida village by Louis Fairfax Muckley
Accession number: 
Related Documents File, 1901.39.1
Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford

Published lithographic reproduction of a painting by Louis Fairfax Muckley, captioned ‘Totem Poles’, showing an imaginary view of a Haida village.

Artist: Louis Fairfax Muckley
Date of painting: Circa 1909 (undated: early 1900s, after 1902, by 1915)
Continent: North America
Geographical area: North America
Country: Canada | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Region/Pace: British Columbia; Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands); Masset
Cultural group: Haida
Format: Lithographic reproduction
Size: 204 x 139 mm (image only); 269 x 194 mm (full page)
Acquisition: John (Jack) Davy. Donated 2014


Exhibition label: ‘“Totem Poles”, an imaginary view of a Haida village, featuring Star House Pole copied from the published image. Illustration by Louis Fairfax Muckley. Circa 1909.’ Source: ‘Star House Pole: Early Images of the Haida Totem Pole in the Pitt Rivers Museum’, exhibition curated by Philip Grover, Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford, 9 June to 28 September 2014.