The Seven Liberal Arts

The Seven Liberal Arts

In Late Antiquity, seven Liberal Arts were codified as being the key part of an education for a proper citizen ('free' man). 

In the Middle Ages, they were included in the university's Bachelor of Arts. The Liberal Arts were divided into the language-based trivium - Grammar, Logic and Rhetoric - and the mathematical-based quadrivium - Geometry, Arithmetic, Astronomy and Music.

In art they were usually represented by female personifications, who carry attributes to aid recognition.

The painting above is tempera on wood and was created in Florence c. 1460 by Giovanni de Ser Giovanni Guidi. The liberal arts depicted are, from left to right:

  • logic
  • arithmetic
  • geometry
  • astronomy or astrology
  • rhetoric
  • grammar
  • music.

Short commentary by Jo Hedesan (22 Apr 2024).