Reproduction photograph of Alfred Robinson’s painting of Star House Pole (print)


Reproduction photograph of Alfred Robinson’s painting of Star House Pole (print)
Accession number: 
Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford

Reproduction photograph of a watercolour painting by Alfred Robinson showing the Haida totem pole known as ‘Star House Pole’. This print represents one of several stages in a complex process leading to the subsequent publication of Robinson’s painting as a colour lithographic reproduction in E. B. Tylor, ‘Note on the Haida Totem-Post Lately Erected in the Pitt Rivers Museum at Oxford’, Man: A Monthly Record of Anthropological Science, 2 (1902), facing p.1, plate A.

Photographer: Alfred Robinson, after an original watercolour painting [2004.144.1] by the same man (Alfred Robinson)
Date of photograph: 1901; 1901 (original painting)
Continent: North America
Geographical area: North America
Country: Canada | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Region/Place: British Columbia; Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands); Masset
Cultural group: Haida
Format: Black and white print (mounted on card)
Size: 215 x 162 mm; 310 x 246 mm (with mount)
Acquisition: Edward Burnett Tylor. Bequeathed 1917


Exhibition label: ‘Glass plate negative (with a contemporary print made from it) of Robinson’s painting of Star House Pole, reworked as one of several stages in the process leading to its publication. Photograph by Alfred Robinson. 1901.’ Source: ‘Star House Pole: Early Images of the Haida Totem Pole in the Pitt Rivers Museum’, exhibition curated by Philip Grover, Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford, 9 June to 28 September 2014.