Inscription of 'Cyrus' at Pasargadae


Inscription of 'Cyrus' at Pasargadae

Inscriptions of 'Cyrus' from Pasargadae.  Trilingual inscription (Old Persian, Elamite, Akkadian) on the columns of Palaces S and P at Pasargadae, and above the relief figure of the 'winged genius'. 

A. Kuhrt, The Persian Empire: A Corpus of Sources from the Achaemenid Period (2007) p.177.

Translations: 'I am Cyrus the king, an Achaemenid' (CMa); 'Cyrus the Great King, son of Cambyses the King, an Achaemenid' (CMb).

D. Stronach, ‘On the interpretation of the Pasargadae inscriptions’, in B. Magnusson et al.,Ultra terminum vagare: Scritti in honore di Carl Nylander (1997) 323-329
M. Waters, ‘Darius and the Achaemenid line’, Ancient History Bulletin 10 (1996) 11-18