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EWP III: Renaissance, Recovery & Reform, 1400-1650
Humanism and Printing
The Social Context of Italian Renaissance Humanism
Ghirlandaio, Confirmation of the Franciscan Rule (1485)
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Jacopo Antonio Marcello Presents the Manuscript of Strabo to Rene d'Anjou (1459)
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Mantegna, Saint Sebastian (1456–1457)
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Mausoleum of Hadrian
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Antiquarianism in the Aegean
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Excavated Sarcophagus of Roman Girl, 1485
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Felice Feliciano, Alphabetum Romanum
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The Culture of the Book
Bembo Family's Sallust
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Virgil, Eclogues (Aldus Manutius, 1501)
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Biblioteca Malatestiana, Cesena
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Melozzo da Forlì, Sixtus IV Appointing Platina as Prefect of the Vatican Library (1477)
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Titian, Portrait of Jacopo Sannazaro (c.1514-1518)
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The Bibliophile Jean Grolier (1479-1565)
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Picturing the Scholar
Colantonio, St Jerome in his Study (1444)
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Quentin Metsys, Diptych of Erasmus of Rotterdam and Pieter Gilles (c. 1517)
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Quentin Metsys, Erasmus Medal (1519)
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Albrecht Dürer, Erasmus of Rotterdam (1526)
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Pagans and Christians
Raphael, School of Athens (1509-1510)
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Marsilio Ficino, De amore
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Erasmus, Title Page of Adagia (1518)
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