Bill of account from the Hudson’s Bay Company to Edward Burnett Tylor, 9 November 1900


Bill of account from the Hudson’s Bay Company to Edward Burnett Tylor, 9 November 1900
Accession number: 
Tylor Papers, Box 12, Item 23 (H4a)
Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford

Bill of account, or invoice, from the Hudson’s Bay Company to Professor Edward Burnett Tylor, dated 9 November 1900. (This document was enclosed with a letter sent from Victoria by Robert Hanley Hall of the Hudson’s Bay Company to Edward Burnett Tylor in Oxford, 15 November 1900: ‘I enclose shipping bill and Bill of Lading of the Totem [Pole], also Account for $154.00, which covers the price paid to the Indians for it and all transportation charges to this point. I shall be glad if you will send exchange for this amount direct to me’: Pitt Rivers Museum Manuscript Collections, Tylor Papers, Box 12, Item 22 (H4).)

Transcript of bill of account (1 page): ‘Victoria[,] B[ritish] C[olumbia] 9th Nov[ember] 1900/ Mr E[.] B[.] Tylor/ Bought of The Hudson’s Bay Company/ Terms, Cash./ Interest will be charged on all overdue Accounts./ To Paid [–] Indian for Totem Pole [$]36.00/ Taking down 15.00/ Carrying to sea Beach 9.50/ Indians freighting to P[or]t Simpson 37.50/ Wharfage & handling at [Port Simpson] 7.00/ Repairing[,] cutting & cleaning 14.00/ Freight P[or]t Simpson to Victoria 27.00/ Wharfage at Victoria 4.00/ Drayage [at Victoria] 4.00/ [Total] $154.00’. (Transcription by Philip Grover.)