Article by Edward B. Tylor, ‘Remarks on Totemism...’ (1899)


Article by Edward B. Tylor, ‘Remarks on Totemism...’ (1899)
Accession number: 
Balfour Library, Per 2
Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford

Published article by Edward B. Tylor, ‘Remarks on Totemism, with Especial Reference to Some Modern Theories Respecting It’, The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 28 (1899), pp.138–148.

Author: Edward Burnett Tylor (‘Edward B. Tylor’)
Title of article: ‘Remarks on Totemism, with Especial Reference to Some Modern Theories Respecting It’
Title of academic journal: The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland [currently renamed The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute]
Issue/number of journal: 28 (1899)
Pagination of article: pages 138 to 148